Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the latest

so today i talked to the doula i decided on for the upcoming birth of kiddo numero dos. i read a booklet on c-sections vs. vaginal birth last night and am more determined now to stick with this thing naturally as much as i possibly can. i've got about 6-7 more weeks to go - hopefully thats the minimum as i have been feeling less mobile the last 3-4 days.

this morning owen was being a little toot. everything he would ask for- i'd offer to him and apparently i was doing it wrong cause he'd scream and say "no!" and then sit on the floor in a bundle of whimpers. it was his usual "yes i want that, oh you are giving it to me? no, i don't want it until you try to put it away" routine. this drives me CRAZY! he threw himself down twice this morning and bonked his head. ugh...we were not very happy with each other - he was upset because he got upset and threw his cars down while we were on our way to daycare. so of course- he wanted me to get them while i was driving. i pretty much was silent - i had had enough arguing with him. he cried for a few minutes about this - i could see the big tears rolling down his face. i finally gave him a tissue to wipe his face off and he was fine the rest of the way- babbling about buses and dozers and such. i went ahead and carried him inside so our last few minutes before i left him would be nice and huggy mommy time. he gave me a big kiss before settling in to eat. ahhh...big sigh of relief.

on another note- yesterday, i told him the "license plate" he made at school said his whole name. i gave him his full name and he said it quite clearly- pretty good for being stuck with 4 names. anyway, i told him to tell daddy about 3 hrs later at home what his full name was and he said it again- clear as a bell! i hope his good memory sticks with him forever, cause mine has turned to absolute crap!

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