Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thoughts for the day

I started parting my hair on my right side. I'm not yet sure how I feel about it...I mean I'm getting the height I like - but I feel like it throws the whole perspective of my face/head off. I should stop looking in the mirror.

I just saw a banana guard on my friend's blog DesignCrack. I don't know why but I really want one. Maybe because I always end up with a blackened banana by the time I lug all my bags to work. Somebody send me one please!!!! I loathe bruised bananas....

I can't figure out how to put my pics on Flickr in the correct me with this life ending dilemma please.

None of my art projects seem to be ending. I start them- but can't complete them because of lack of materials/motivation/time/sleep. I need to finish 2 before next month, so I'm off to the craft store to find some tracing paper and an appropriate fabric to paint on without gesso that will enable me to to a wash and then sew onto it....

I've started reading more blogs after looking up the bloggie awards... it's becoming addictive. I wonder if I could talk that much...

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