Monday, April 02, 2007

belly boys

belly boys
Originally uploaded by beckyk.
ahhh to be young and have a pot belly you aren't ashamed to show...

Thursday, March 29, 2007


my allergies have been running rampant- uncommon for the last few years. i had 3 days last week where i could smell absolutely nothing. a good thing living in a house with 3 males and 2 digestively challenged dogs. a not so good thing when people are bringing you homemade double chocolate brownies and your husband decides to make choco cupcakes. i felt like i was eating aluminum foil- but in the texture of a cupcake. lovely. of course i still ate it- didnt want to deprive my body of the goodness of chocolate. it's been almost 2 weeks now of consistent blowing of nose and hacking up internal organs. i gave up taking medications as i kept feeling as if my head was floating 2 feet away.

ok- i still havent figured out the posting of photos in an organized way on this site...i guess i should dedicate more time (when i'm not at work) to figuring it out...i'm jealous of other blogs.

check out my belly boys....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Swallowed by dupioni silk

i went to a new giant super colossal store near my work to get some canvas for a project. most craft/fabric stores are hellish because there is always a horribly long line to get your fabric cut and then they always start the same conversation- "so what are YOU going to be making?" in my head i say something like" a death cloth for my grandma" but i always falter and stumble over what my project will be. like those crafties really care. so of course the fabric cutting line was long- its also a new store and spring break so mobs of people were there- in addition they have all sorts of 50% off coupons right now. anyway, there are 4 people cutting fabric including- god bless her- a 70 yr old woman who was slow as molasses. i was watching her fold and i wanted to claw my eyeballs out she was taking so long. so of course who calls my #?

she asked me at least 4 or 5 times how many yards i wanted. then when she couldn't get her scanner dealy to work she just stood there and looked at her co-workers hoping her subtle quiet looks would somehow draw their attention to her- wait! someone looked at her! she smiles! they walk away! another co-worker looks at her- she smiles! in my head i'm screaming "what the f$%#k!!!!! why are you standing there not asking for help!!!! kill me now!!!!!" so after a week of her awkward pause or soul searching or whatever she was doing whilst i stabbed her with sharp pins from my eyeballs she quietly turns to try again and somehow gets it to work. all of her other co-workers are asking diligently if people have coupons. i'm holding mine in my hand. she does not ask. whatever- i don't want to deal with her anymore!!! so of course the checkout guy rolls his eyes when he sees my coupons "they are supposed to give the credit at the fabric counter". luckily everything was half off or i would have beat her over the head with a couple of yards of pre-printed fleece......

Thoughts for the day

I started parting my hair on my right side. I'm not yet sure how I feel about it...I mean I'm getting the height I like - but I feel like it throws the whole perspective of my face/head off. I should stop looking in the mirror.

I just saw a banana guard on my friend's blog DesignCrack. I don't know why but I really want one. Maybe because I always end up with a blackened banana by the time I lug all my bags to work. Somebody send me one please!!!! I loathe bruised bananas....

I can't figure out how to put my pics on Flickr in the correct me with this life ending dilemma please.

None of my art projects seem to be ending. I start them- but can't complete them because of lack of materials/motivation/time/sleep. I need to finish 2 before next month, so I'm off to the craft store to find some tracing paper and an appropriate fabric to paint on without gesso that will enable me to to a wash and then sew onto it....

I've started reading more blogs after looking up the bloggie awards... it's becoming addictive. I wonder if I could talk that much...