Thursday, March 29, 2007


my allergies have been running rampant- uncommon for the last few years. i had 3 days last week where i could smell absolutely nothing. a good thing living in a house with 3 males and 2 digestively challenged dogs. a not so good thing when people are bringing you homemade double chocolate brownies and your husband decides to make choco cupcakes. i felt like i was eating aluminum foil- but in the texture of a cupcake. lovely. of course i still ate it- didnt want to deprive my body of the goodness of chocolate. it's been almost 2 weeks now of consistent blowing of nose and hacking up internal organs. i gave up taking medications as i kept feeling as if my head was floating 2 feet away.

ok- i still havent figured out the posting of photos in an organized way on this site...i guess i should dedicate more time (when i'm not at work) to figuring it out...i'm jealous of other blogs.

check out my belly boys....

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